Saving Lives with Portable EKG Equipment

Every custom case we manufacture has an important role to play. From protecting military equipment in the field, to helping scientists transport data-gathering tools to remote locations. But, we’d be hard-pressed to think of a more heartwarming, rewarding use than for the case we created for the Max Schewitz Foundation.

After Max Schewitz died unexpectedly at the age of 20 from an undiagnosed heart condition, his family and friends created a foundation in his memory, dedicated to preventing the types of tragedies that Max’s family experienced. Many conditions like Max’s can be treated if they’re detected early, using a simple, painless EKG.

Through it’s Heart Smart EKG program, the foundation brings potentially life-saving screenings to tens of thousands of young adults every year. However, one of the challenges they faced was the complexity of transporting, and protecting the EKG testing equipment as their care teams move from school to school.

When they approached us for a solution, we were delighted to help.

To date, the foundation has screened more than 90,000 young adults. This year, with the help of their new custom cases, they’ll be performing screenings at more schools than ever before.

Below is a copy of a letter we received from the foundation, after delivering their cases:

Thank you so much for creating our awesome custom cases for our equipment and providing them to us at your cost.  We absolutely love them…they work perfectly and we can now allow our courier to deliver the equipment to our screenings and saves me from transporting them.  Because of these cases, we are now creating our new program, HeartSmartEKG DIRECT, which will allow us to hopefully keep up with demand.  I have attached 2 pictures so you can see how perfectly they fit in the case.  Please share our thanks with everyone involved.

In 2005, Max died without warning from a hidden heart condition at just 20 years of age.  Now, the Max Schewitz Foundation’s HeartSmart EKG screening program helps find at-risk young adults so they can seek treatment in advance of a catastrophic event.  Routine physicals do not include EKG tests for seemingly healthy young adults.  We fill that gap and find young adults at risk…thanks to donors like you!

Since our inception 13 years ago, we have tested over 90,000 young adults and referred nearly 1,000 young adults for additional testing.  At virtually every school we find at least one, if not several, students with undiagnosed heart conditions.  It’s inconceivable to think how the lives of those students and their families may have been totally different, had they not been tested and treated.  The positive news is that a treatment plan exists for every condition we detect, so these kids will have the chance to live full and productive lives.  While the diagnosis is a surprise, after treatment, students quickly return to their lives and pursue their dreams like every other student.  We hope you realize what a large role you play in the success of our program.  We are so fortunate to have thoughtful people like you who have allowed us to grow our HeartSmart EKG testing program.

The 2019-2020 school year will represent the largest number of schools we’ve ever tested – 17!  We wouldn’t be here today without your generosity.   As Jean-Nicolas Bouilly said “Whatever we possess becomes of double value when we have the opportunity of sharing it with others.”  On behalf of the students we test, and the entire Max Schewitz Foundation team, we are so thankful for you!
