Custom IndyCar Shipping Case

Custom case for Indycar shipping

Working with major IndyCar engine manufacturers Ford Cosworth, Ilmor Mercedes, Toyota Research & Development, and Honda, Custom Case Group was integral in creating a reusable custom case for shipping costly IndyCar engines around the globe.

If you’ve never experienced IndyCar racing up close and personal, it’s an exhilarating marriage of speed and technology. Our packaging specialists were excited with the challenge, and all agreed to start with an Anvil fabricated aluminum case, renown for easy customization and superior protection. Nothing less would do for these highly pampered turbo charged engines.

Widely used for international shipping, this custom case had to fit through the doorway of a business jet. Our customized Anvil case was a compact, yet durable, reusable custom case for shipping these über-high maintenance machines.

Custom Case Group now produces numerous reusable custom cases for the world’s fastest IndyCar teams.